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油性子宫输卵管造影可提高妊娠率?看看昆明助孕试管专家怎么说!  With the improvement of living conditions and the speed of life,Obesity rate is growing。代孕哪家靠谱
In recent years,Many metabolic diseases,Obesity、Sugar metabolism is abnormal for women/The adverse effects of male fertility capabilities are gradually known.。代孕
For women with internal secretion metabolic disease,Even auxiliary reproduction,The fetus grows in such a matrix environment,Its future health is also worrying。代孕哪家放心
  one、Lose weight is invalid for treatment
  Mother obesity affects children's life!
  Mom fat、Hyperglycemia,Be careful with childhood!
  Pregnant women have obesity and diabetes increase the risk of infant autism!
  Such articles are frequent,But you have thought of,The growth rate of obesity also increases the probability of infertility to some extent。哪里代孕
Since this,Women with infertility have successfully lose weight, they can be successful.?
  In the past, small-scale lifestyle interventions show,Moderate reduction of weight can increase the pregnancy ratio,And may improve the pregnancy ending,But this conclusion lacks large randomized control tests.。代孕选性别
  Just in the most recent research,Researchers will experimentally participants(BMImore than the29Infertile woman)Randomly assigned to two groups,by6The effect of lifestyle intervention on its infertility treatment。代孕贵吗
The main record results are randomized24The number of healthy infants in vaginal delivery within a month。代孕贵不贵
  Two groups are divided into two groups:Intervention group and control group。代孕
There is an intervention group290Women,First carried out6Month lifestyle intervention project,Ahead18Monthly infertility treatment,Control group287Famous women have made24Monthly infertility。
  The results show that:The average weight loss of the intervention group is4.4Kilogram,Control group1.1Kilogram(PBe less than0.001)。And the main result of successful childbirth,Intervention group27.1%And the control group35.2%。
  So draw conclusions:For obese infertility,Intervention in lifestyle,Timely infertile treatment is better,Have higher pregnancy rate。
  so,For women who are infertility infertility,Light weight loss is no way to effectively treat infertility,Still to accepted the treatment of conventional infertility,Don't miss the time delay。
  indeed,Infertility has always been a big problem for people's headaches。Many diseases will lead to infertility,For example uterine fibroids,Polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.;Sometimes infertility may also be due to men's sperm quality problems。How to improve the quality of fertility,Let's take a look at these latest research on infertility.!
  a8yTest tube infant self-service platform-Help you open your pregnancy trip!
  two、Supplementary vitasDMale sex hormone level can be improved
  According to the European Endocrine Society(ECE)A randomized control trial show,Middle-aged male supplement vitas in normal testosterone levelDIt can significantly improve the level of estradiol in the body and reduce the sex hormone binding globulin.(SHBG)level。
  researching,Participants are randomly divided into two groups,The experimental group took every week2VitaD3,The control group took12Zhou's placebo。Finally, the participant's sex hormone level will be recorded separately.。The result shows supplemental vitasDIt can significantly improve the level of estradiol in the body and reduce the sex hormone binding globulin.(SHBG)level。
  LerchbaumDoctoral,VitasDReceptors and vitasD-Metabolic enzymes are expressed in reproductive systems,VitasDParticipate in the production and maturity process,And the maturity of egg cells,When preparing for pregnancy, the endometrium changes and the process of producing female hormones and testosterone during pregnancy.。
  Compared to vitasDLack of couple,VitasDNormal husband and wife in vitro fertilization(IVF)More effective,Because of vitasDLow level is related to the quality of men's sperm。In summer and autumn,Test tubes are more prone to success than in winter and spring(Because people's vitasDHigher level)。
  Chief researcherElisabeth LerchbaumExpress vitasDMetabolic process can open new treatment paths。For couples who want to be pregnant and women are polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS)patient,Supplementary vitasDIt may be a safe and feasible treatment。
  three、Minimally invasive treatment uterine fibroids can improve pregnancy success rate
  Uterine fibroids are one of the most common causes of infertility and pregnancy complications。Every4There is a pregnancy difficulty in women with fibroids.。The recent study shows,Due to uterine fibroids, women who cannot be pregnant after imally invasive embedded surgery,Pregnancy。
  Researchers359Women who have just received uterine fibroid embolism6Year tracking survey。research shows,149Female,Total number42%,Successful pregnancy,and131Female is a total of birth150Baby。
  Standard treatment of uterine fibroids is a fibroid resection,It is not always effective,Sometimes it will also cause complications,Excluding the uterus when severe。Planning pregnant women will tend to choose a plug to reduce the risk of resection of uterine during treatment of uterine fibroids.。
  And there are clinicians worried:Inevites after embolism may limit blood flow in nourishing uterus and ovaries,Make women's pregnancy more difficult,Further study。
  Mikulas RedechaDoctoral:With the growth of age,Self-pregnancy opportunity to reduce,The incidence of fibroma will increase,Therefore, it is recommended that women are pregnant as soon as possible.。But there is an uterine fibroma that does not mean that life cannot be pregnant.。
  Four、Oil uterine tube angiography can improve pregnancy rate
  According to reports,Infertility women have improved the success rate of uterine tube,But because it is still unclear which contrast agent(Comparison of oily or water soluble)Effect on this potential treatment。So the researchers start research。
  Researcher in the Netherlands27Home hospital has made a multi-center random trial,Test object is infertile women who are receiving uterine tube,They are randomly assigned to the oily contrast group(557people)Water-soluble contrast group(562people)。The record result is after random test6Number of pregnancy cases within a month。
  Oil contrast group(220/554,39.7%)Water soluble contrast group(161/554,29.1%)Successful pregnancy(95%CI:1.16-1.61< 0.001),Oil contrast group(214/552,38.8%)Water soluble contrast group(155/552,28.1%)Success delivery(95%CI:1.17-1.64< 0.001)。
  This concluded:For women who accept creative movies,The pregnancy and live birth rate of the oily contrast group is higher than the water dissolved unit.。Oil uterine tube angiography can improve pregnancy rateAnd fetal live birth rate。
  five、Infertility“Three treasures”Latest research
  Tagnazole is discussed in a recent study.,Gonadotropin,Or crrytol on the treatment effect of infertility。At present, standard treatment of unknown causes is a gonadotrophone or Krimmyphenate salt.,The riculous ovary stimulus of ridges has been suggested for reducing multiple pregnancy to maintain the live yield.。
  Researchers randomly draw more couples with unknown causes infertility。The study of middle age is18to40Female aged is randomly assigned to each group for ovarian stimulation(Up to four strokes),Gothotranstruate hormone group(301people),Krome phenol group(300people),Crane group(299people)。
  After treatment,Gonadotropin、Krimton、Women who are schodazole groups have an average of the treatment cycle35.5%,28.3%with22.4%Successful pregnancy,And the live yield is32.2%,23.3%with18.7%。
  In terms of pregnancy rate,To the bezazole group should be significantly lower than the standard treatment group(Gothotropin or cromyphenol group)(P=0.003)。
  For more than a tumbrel,Charactrazole group (9/67 , 13%)Slightly less than standard treatment group (42/192, 22%; P=0.15),But significantly below the gonadotropin group(34 of 107, 32%; P=0.006)。
  So draw conclusions:None reason,Crazolactic ovary stimulation method can significantly reduce multi-pregnancy rate,But with standard treatment(Gothotropin or Cromodolic salt)compared to,His life rate is low。
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